Local Residents Event Information

Here's all the information from the Inter-Agency Group about the local community plans during the Formula 1 Qatar Airways British Grand Prix 2024. Live updates for the British Grand Prix will be detailed here. 

Sunday 7 July

12.45 - 14.30 A43 open for through traffic. Closure will be until approx 10pm. 

Abthorpe Closure expected to be in operation from 3pm today

Saturday 6 July

No updates - A43 closure was in place from 7am - 9pm, Abthorpe Crossroads from 5pm - 10pm (NB: late closure due to revised f1 schedule/weather related) 

Friday 5 July

16.30 Traffic update: The Billesden/Syresham A43 southbound (towards Brackley) off slip will be closed this afternoon/evening, please use the Welsh Lane off-slip for access to the villages. We're expecting this to be reopened around 8pm, but could be a little later if traffic flow is heavy. 

10.06 Traffic build up in both directions, A43 from Brackley off-slip at Silverstone is very slow. Syresham Main Road also slow moving. 

22.30 - 22.35 approx Friday 5 July - Fireworks during Stormzy concert 

22.30 - 22.35 Thursday 4 July - Fireworks display at the end of Kings of Leon concert. NB: changed time. 

09.00 - 13.00 Thursday 4 July - Main stage sound checks are in operation

12.30 Wednesday 3 July  - Main stage sound checks are in operation. 

Abthorpe Road Closure - Times for this closure have been revised, with closure at 3pm and reopening no later than 10pm, however it is intended to reopen earlier if possible.



No restrictions
Getting OUT of the village:
AM – all routes are available - make sure you are on the right hand side of Dadford Road to use A43 towards Brackley if the one-way system is in operation on this road. 
PM – all routes available
Getting IN to the village:
AM & PM – all routes available
Saturday /Sunday
Getting OUT of the village:
5am – 2pm : Use Whittlebury (Church Way) or Abthorpe crossroads when A43 one-way system is in operation. Dadford Road to Buckingham is also available, but there will be heavy traffic.
2pm – 11pm : Use Whittlebury (Church Way), Abthorpe road, A413 to Whittlewood A43 on-slip (for Towcester) and Dadford Road A43 on-slip  (for Brackley) 
Getting IN to the village:
5am – 3pm : Use Whittlebury (Church Way), A43 Whittlewood from Towcester (note heavy with event traffic) or Abthorpe crossroads when A43 one-way system is in operation.
3pm – 10pm : Use Whittlebury (Church Way)
Outside of these times all routes are available.


Inter-Agency Group F1 British Grand Prix Information drop-in sessions took place this month with residents able to find out more about the traffic and operational plans for the British Grand Prix. 

A leaflet with the key information will be delivered to each household in the local area week commencing 10 June.  A PDF version can be viewed, and downloaded, HERE

A detailed traffic management timetable can be viewed HERE

During the Grand Prix weekend we'll post live updates on this page.  If you have any queries contact us by email: [email protected].



The 2024 plan is  similar to last year, with the addition of Abthorpe Crossroads PM closure. A large scale version of the map on the right is viewable HERE

Friday 5 July
Dadford Road one-way – inbound, am only 

Saturday 6 July
Dadford Road one-way – inbound am and outbound pm, A43 one-way system in operation. Hours 05:00 - 23:00

Abthorpe Crossroads closed in to Silverstone village. Hours 15:00 - 22:00. Will be reopened earlier if possible. 

Sunday 7 July
Dadford Road one-way – inbound, am and outbound pm A43 one-way system in operation. Hours 05:00 - 23:00

A43 one-way system will be reopened earlier than these hours if traffic flows allow. 

Abthorpe Crossroads closed in to Silverstone village. Hours 15:00 - 22:00. Will be reopened earlier if possible. 

Monday 8 July
Traffic management at Dadford Road/A43 Teardrop Roundabout 


The 2024 plan will be similar to last year with restrictions in force from Friday – Sunday.

Silverstone village 
Essential Roads - Brackley Road 
Essential Roads - Whittlebury Road 
Essential Roads - High Street 
Essential Roads - West End 
Essential Roads – Dadford Road 
Essential Roads – Church Street 
Residential Road request - Murswell Lane 
Residential Road request - Cattle End 

Crofts Stores: There will be a ‘30 minutes no return within 4 hours’ parking restriction of the layby outside the shop during the parking restriction period. 

Blue Badge Holders who live on an affected Essential Road and do not have a private driveway have been contacted for vehicle arrangements. 

Residents without off-street parking affected by the parking restrictions can contact a member of the Parish Council and support will be offered where possible

silverstone map

Essential Roads – High Street 
Essential Roads – Church Way 
Residential Road request - Whittlebury Court 
Residential Road request - The Crescent 
Residential Road request - Vicarage Close 
Residential Road request - Kingsfield Piece 
Residential Road request - Lodge Park 
Residential Road request - Lees Close 
Residential Road request - Park Close 
Residential Road request - Kennel Road 


Essential Road – Dadford Road 




The stretch of footpath and bridleway closure has been reduced for 2024, a map will be available soon. Local residents will be given access for leisure, dog walking and work purposes for the section requested to be closed by Silverstone circuit (excluding glamping site). The section from Dadford Road through Woodlands campsite is managed by the campsite owners and is a full closure. For any queries on this, please contact Woodlands via email: [email protected] 


PROW closures

The traffic management system does not allow for taxi and private hire vehicle drop offs and collection at the circuit. Ticket holders are informed that drop-off and collection points are the  local train stations (Banbury, Milton Keynes, Northampton). Shuttle buses are available from these locations. 

The Inter-Agency Group has considered options for mitigating taxi and private hire vehicles in Silverstone village. The option for partial closure to the village at Abthorpe Crossroads has been considered by the IAG and agreed for this to be implemented. 

Access to Silverstone village will not be possible via Abthorpe Crossroads on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, from 14.00 - 23.00, and will reopen earlier if possible.  Exiting traffic will not be affected. Residents access to the village will be via Whittlebury Road. 


Evening concerts will be held from Thursday- Sunday of Grand Prix weekend. The stage has been moved to reduce the noise impact on villages, sound levels will be set and monitored throughout the event.  Full BGP 2024 event timetable is HERE


 A significant crime prevention operation will take place throughout the event. The community policing presence within the surrounding villages  will be increased for 2024.


Circuit evening concerts will operate within statutory noise regulations. A full noise monitoring programme for the British Grand Prix track and entertainment noise will be in operation to monitor both on site and off site noise levels through the event. Sound checks will take place on Wednesday 3 July.  The circuit will have an online form available for residents to complete, which will be monitored by Event Control. For any complaints received a member of the noise monitoring team will be able to use a handheld monitor at the location to determine noise levels. 

To log your circuit noise complaint, use this link: SILVERSTONE NOISE COMPLAINT FORM 


For any noise issues fornon-circuit operated activities, please report via this link: 

West Northants Council


Buckinghamshire Council 



If you have concerns about litter and bin emptying, please contact your local council: 

West Northants Council 


Buckinghamshire Council 



The May drop-in sessions were your chance to see the plans, hear from IAG representatives and ask any questions. A leaflet with all the details of the event will be delivered to each household in the local area in the next few weeks.  This page will be updated with information on a regular basis and we’ll add a PDF of the residents leaflet as soon as this is available.  We’ll also share updates on village Facebook groups, in village magazines and via the Parish Councillors. 


Please give us any feedback from the Grand Prix weekend by emailing [email protected], please share your feedback with your local Parish Council too.