Bike Track Days
Terms and Conditions





Motorsport is dangerous and can involve injury or death. Despite Silverstone Circuits Ltd (SCL) taking all reasonable precautions, accidents can happen. By attending a track day, you acknowledge this and confirm that you are aware of the nature of the activity and attend the Venue at your own risk. SCL may refuse access to, and eject from, the Venue any persons who are acting against the interests of safety and/or whose behaviour is likely to cause damage, nuisance or injury. SCL may also have to conduct security searches at the Venue to ensure the safety of customers and other persons at the track day. Neither SCL nor any other members of The British Racing Drivers’ Club Limited group of companies or their representatives are responsible for any loss, damage or injury to persons or property caused or sustained by you as result of attendance at any track day, save for liability for death or personal injury arising from SCL’s negligence or for fraudulent misrepresentation. 

Our liability is excluded to the maximum extent permitted by law and limited to the price you have paid for the Track Day. We reserve all rights in relation to any damage which is caused or contributed to by the rider and any of their guests to any third party or property, and you (on behalf of the rider) agree to fully indemnify us and our group companies and ours/their officers and employees from and against all and any claims which arise, as a consequence of the rider’s reckless and/or negligent conduct whether during any Track Day or otherwise. 



Please read the information detailed below before attending your SCL bike track day; be prepared!

The safety of your motorcycle is always your responsibility. SCL reserve the right to refuse entry to any motorcycle without refund, if any fault or feature is believed could compromise the safety of the motorcycle and its rider and or other circuit users. 

SCL bike track days are organised to cater for a wide variety of motorcycles mostly road going or track day machinery based on Sports Production models and you must take part and ride with full consideration of this. Please note: this is not a test day. It is important to note that circuit usage exerts greater pressure for longer periods on motorcycles and their components in comparison to normal road use. This obviously highlights the need for particular attention to safety and we recommend that riders thoroughly inspect their motorcycles prior to use on the track day. 

All motorcycles will be clearly marked with a numbered sticker, which clearly identifies the motorcycle by number and session and is clearly visible to the marshals. This will be given to each rider when they register on the day.

SCL recommends that riders pay particular attention to the following items and any uncertainty or wear should be discussed with a qualified motorcycle engineer prior to riding on the circuit. 



  • The battery must be secured by a suitable strap or fixing.
  • The motorcycle wiring should be adequately bound and clear of obstruction.
  • Lights should be taped so that in the event of them breaking, they do not shatter on the circuit.



  • General condition of fork tubes and springs, etc., should be checked for any signs of corrosion, pitting or wear with particular attention paid to mounting points and fastenings. These areas will be subject to high cornering stresses at the increased speeds of circuit driving and should be in good condition.
  • Gaiters, rubbers and seals retaining grease or oil should be in good condition as leaking units may in extreme cases leave oil on the circuit. 



  • Tyres MUST be checked for correct pressure and adjusted if necessary for circuit use. Tyres should have a minimum of 3mm tread depth for use on the circuit and the general condition of the carcass should be checked.
  • Wheels should be correctly fitted and adequately torqued and wheel bearings checked for wear. Wheels also should be checked for cracks (especially if alloy).
  • Brakes should have a good firm feel. Any inadequacies in their performance will be magnified at speed and can be dangerous. Joints should be checked for any leakage as well as checks to seals and callipers.
  • All bikes must have a front brake lever guard or hand guard fitted 


  • The engine should be in good order and should not leak any oils or fluid. Gaskets and hoses should be in good order and adequately secured and fixed.
  • Carburettors and fuel systems should have good quality return springs fitted. Cables and linkages should be checked for lubrication and smooth operation.
  • Ensure that the fuel filler cap is firmly in place prior to any track session.
  • It is essential that all fluid levels are checked before circuit use.
  • It should be noted that an M.O T. certificate should not be taken as evidence of the general mechanical condition of the motorcycle.
  • If you are unsure of any of the points referred to in this document we recommend that professional advice is sought prior to the track day.
  • Riders help in checking their machinery before the track day is expected and appreciated. Always bear in mind it is you riding the motorcycle


All riders when on circuit must wear either a complete one piece leather suit or a two piece zip together leather suit and the zip must be from hip to hip. Leather gloves and boots must also be worn. All riders must wear a back protector . Helmets and leathers must be worn and fastened securely at all times when on the circuit. 



  • SCL reserves the right to exclude any rider considered as possibly unfit by reason of health, consumption of alcohol or prohibited substances including amphetamines or amphetamine type substances.
  • SCL reserves the right to refuse participation to any rider who it subsequently considers to be a danger to others.
  • All crash helmets worn by riders must comply with current ACU/FIM standards. Helmets must be worn and securely fastened at all times.
  • Titanium or sparking knee sliders are strictly forbidden.
  • All riders MUST have attended the riders briefing before being permitted to ride on circuit and have signed the indemnity.
  • Any specific medical information must be notified at time of signing on. 


For all high speed track days the following conditions apply:

  • Have a motorcycle with an engine no smaller than 300cc (125cc race bike) in a road or track worthy condition (final decision machine suitability will be at the discretion of SCL).
  • Riders will only be permitted on circuit for the track day if they are: (a) 24 years of age or older and hold an unrestricted category 'A' motorcycle licence (or overseas equivalent); or (b) 21 years of age or older and hold an unrestricted 'A' motorcycle licence, having previously held a category "A2" motorcycle licence for two (2) years or more.
  • From the information given at the time of booking, riders will be grouped into one of three riding groups based on their riding ability. SCL will leave enough spaces to move riders around groups should there be a need.
  • You must, at all times, obey fully with the instructions and directions of our instructors and staff. 


Access to the Venue and paddock will be allowed from 07:00 on the date of the track day. Arrivals prior to this time, should park where indicated on arrival at the Venue. Garages and paddock must clear by 19:00; there may be certain days when there is an evening track hire which requires the garages to be vacated by 17:15. Riders will be advised of this prior to the track day and this will be confirmed in the safety briefing. 


  • Garages will be automatically allocated to each group of riders, i.e. Group 1, Group 2 & Group 3. Please ensure that any private cars are parked at the back of the paddock and not the garage side.
  • No motorcycle should be left overnight within the garage without prior written agreement of SCL. For the avoidance of doubt any motorcycle left with agreement shall be at the owners and not SCL’s risk. 


No marks are to be made on the paddock tarmac or garage floors. Examples include paint and staking of marquees or awnings. Garages are to be left in a tidy condition at the end of the day and garage doors closed. 



  • Noise limits will be applied in accordance with SCL circuit regulations and will be monitored on a ride by basis at 102dB. Any bikes failing that will be black flagged and tested statically at 105dB.
  • After market silencers or race cans must have baffles fitted. Should a rider go out without baffles or a silencer fitted and break the noise limit, SCL will not give a further opportunity to noise test the motorcycle. Offending motorcycles will not be allowed to continue and no refund will be given.
  • The onus is on YOU the rider to ensure your motorcycle is within the SCL circuit noise regulations. If a rider is concerned that their motorcycle with or without a baffle, may exceed the above limit then always request a test prior to going on the circuit. SCL are happy to do this and will retest as many times as required to ensure a motorcycle is within the noise limit.
  • No bike engines may be run before 08:45 or after 17:30. 


  • Re-fuelling and the storage of petrol (or other fuels) are not permitted in the pit lane.
  • No naked flames (smoking, welding, etc.) in the pit lane.
  • The pit lane is strictly one way.
  • Motorcycle access to pit lane if not through the garages will be via race control at the start of the pit lane in the National pit and paddock.
  • Reckless or dangerous riding will result in exclusion from any further participation in the track day or even other events run at the Venue, including testing.
  • No children 16 or under are allowed in the garages or pit lane and must be supervised by an adult at all times.


  • Please ride slowly in the pit lane and keep to the left until outside your designated garage. Speeds must not exceed 20mph.
  • When joining the circuit enter in a similar way to a “motorway entry” i.e. keep to the right of the circuit until clear of the pit lane exit and the solid white line ensuring full awareness for motorcycles continuing on circuit.
  • Once on the circuit build pace gently and progressively.


  • Use your mirrors but only on the straights. Do not spend the whole lap looking in your mirrors.
  • Overtake on both sides but a six foot gap between riders MUST be demonstrated.
  • Do not overtake on the entry to corners or the final part of the braking areas.
  • If you are being caught by faster traffic please allow the faster riders to pass safely.
  • Slower riders MUST never move off your line in a corner. Remember no overtaking is to happen in the braking area or entry to the corners hence moving off line will only compromise both yourself and the following riders. Wait until the exit and then allow the faster rider to pass.
  • Slower riders please do not hinder faster riders and accelerate along the straights as this can lead to frustration and the potential for accidents is increased.
  • If a rider crashes it may be necessary to stop circuit activity which will result in a loss of track time.
  • Always pay attention to flag signals. Riders ignoring flag signals will not be permitted to continue riding on the circuit.
  • Strictly no timing; this is NOT a test day. Riders found to be timing will be excluded from the remainder of the track day.
  • Remember – SCL reserves the right to remove riders from the circuit. This applies to anyone who is not complying with instructions, rules and regulations or a rider who may be a danger to themselves or more importantly other circuit users.
  • Providing the rider has obtained prior permission, cameras are permitted but must be  Mechanically fastened and positioned safely on the bike, i.e. not in direct line of a rider’s head and will be checked by the safety marshal at the end of the pit lane before being permitted on circuit. No cameras are permitted to be worn on any part of the rider’s body.  


  • Storage of fuel in the paddock and pit garages must be stored in containers and quantities which conform to fuelling regulations. There must be no more than twenty litres of fuel per rider stored in the pit garage at any time. Refuelling must not take place near any electrical equipment.
  • Fuel is available 24 hours a day at the Gulf fuel station in the centre of the circuit. Payment is with credit card from the automatic pay station.


Please make every effort to ensure that waste oil and petrol is disposed in the containers provided. Under no circumstances must riders or teams leave used tyres in the paddock.



It should be noted that standard insurance will not cover track day riding. Riders should make their own arrangements for personal accident and motorcycle cover.



Riders understand that any picture (moving or still), that they, or any person attending as their guest, may take are for personal use only. Riders should not use any of these images for commercial purposes or broadcasting. Riders agree to use images and footage responsibly. If such images include imagery of an accident these should be made available to SCL and not posted on social media sites including but not limited to YouTube and Facebook. 



  • Payment is taken by credit card at the time of booking. A place is only guaranteed when paid for in full.
  • In the event of cancellation, no refund will be given however a transfer to another track day will be allowed provided that at least 14 days’ written notice is received.
  • All transfers MUST be taken within 3 months. In the event of a cancellation less than 14 days before the track day, NO refund or transfer will be given.
  • SCL reserves the right to levy an administration fee for any changes to a booking.
  • SCL reserves the right to cancel the track day at any point without having to disclose the reason.
  • SCL reserves the right to alter the pricing of track days without prior notice.
  • Should SCL have to cancel during the day, if less than 50% of the track day has taken place a transfer to an alternative track day may be offered. If the track day is more than 50% complete no refund or transfer will be given.
  • A confirmation e-mail will be sent for each booking made to confirm the booking has been accepted.



  1. That you are familiar with the nature of the track day, and acknowledge the risks involved.
  2. That you have a motorcycle with an engine no smaller than 300cc (125cc race bike) in a road or track worthy condition (final decision machine suitability will be at the discretion of SCL).
  3. Noise limits will be applied in accordance with SCL circuit regulations and will be monitored on a ride by basis at 102dB. Any bikes failing will be black flagged and tested statically at 105dB. After market silencers or race cans must have baffles fitted. Should a rider go out without baffles or a silencer fitted and it breaks the noise limit, SCL will not give a further opportunity to noise test the motorcycle. Offending motorcycles will not be allowed to continue and no refund will be given. 

    The onus is on YOU, the rider, to ensure your motorcycle is within the SCL circuit noise regulations. If you are concerned that your motorcycle with or without a baffle, may exceed the above limit then always request a test prior to going on the circuit. SCL is happy to do this and will retest as many times as required to ensure your motorcycle is within the noise limit.

  4. All riders when on circuit must wear either a complete one piece leather suit or a two piece zip together suit and the zip must be from hip to hip. Leather gloves, and boots and a back protector must also be worn. Helmets and leathers must be worn and fastened securely at all times when on the circuit.
  5. To attend you will need a full unrestricted  issued by the DVLA (overseas country equivalent) and must be 20 years or over.
  6. That you are in good health and that your eyesight is up to the standard required for a road driving/riding test and that you are not suffering from any other medical condition or disability which is likely to adversely affect your normal control of a motorcycle or which might make it unsafe for you to ride or participate in this track day or any other motorsport activity.
  7. SCL reserves the right to remove you from the venue if it considers your actions to be dangerous or detrimental to other venue users.
  8. In consideration of you being permitted to take part in the track day arranged by SCL, you agree to save harmless and keep indemnified, SCL and its respective officials, servants, representatives and agents, and any other person or organisation using the Venue in respect of all claims, costs, expenses and demands in respect of death of, or injury to, or loss of or damage to me or my property arising in pursuance of your undertaking in the track day.
  9. You understand that any picture (moving or still), that you, or any person attending as your guest, may take are for your personal use only.
  10. You should not use any of these images for commercial purposes or broadcasting. You agree to use images and footage responsibly. If such images include imagery of an accident you must make such images/footage available to SCL and agree not to post such images/footage on social media sites including but not limited to You Tube and Facebook.
  11. You accept that you will be solely responsible for any decision to ride any motorcycle or discontinue to ride any motorcycle or use any equipment at any time whilst it is in your possession or under your control. You acknowledge that if you should be dissatisfied prior to or whilst riding a motorcycle or using the equipment as to the satisfactory condition of the motorcycle or the equipment you are required to discontinue riding the motorcycle or using the said equipment forthwith.
  12. As the person booking this you should accept responsibility for ensuring that you and anybody who accompanies you are familiar with all rules and guidelines and adhere to them at all times.
  13. Riders must attend the rider briefing before going out on the circuit and sign the indemnity. Any rider who fails to attend the rider briefing will not be permitted to take part in the Track Day, and no refund will be given.
  14. Riders should all wear crash helmets that comply with current ACU/FIM standards.
  15. You understand that standard road insurance does not cover you for riding on a circuit and that you should make your own arrangements for accident cover. 


All track days are offered subject to availability of dates, facilities and, of course, the weather or other events beyond SCL’s control and accordingly SCL cannot guarantee that a particular date or session will not be cancelled due to a Force Majeure Event.  A Force Majeure Event means any act, event, omission or accident beyond the reasonable control of SCL including without limitation pandemic, epidemic, outbreak, disease, quarantine, public order disturbance, flood, storm, adverse weather condition, natural event, fire, strike, lock-out or other industrial dispute even if not beyond the reasonable control of SCL, nuclear accident, act of God, war, terrorist activity, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, act of government, compliance with any change to law, statutory guidance, non-statutory guidance, rule, regulation and/or direction, accident, breakdown of plant or machinery, non-performance by suppliers or subcontractors (other than by companies in the same group as SCL) and interruption or failure of utility or service. If SCL is unable to run a track day due to a Force Majeure Event riders will be able to re-book for a later date. Please call 0844 3728 235 for up to date weather conditions at Silverstone. Riders must contact SCL email [email protected] within 7 days of their cancelled date in order to rebook. The track day must be booked and taken within 3 months of the original cancelled date and subject to available dates. An additional charge will be levied for the rebooked track day if the value of the new track day is higher. 


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